On Horses, Diversity, and Love

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Oh it is great to know so many of you are enjoying this blog. Your comments have been great.

I am going to be doing a couple of talks in the next weeks so I will use writing to you as a way to develop some content.

Because I am a really odd person I am interested in the concept of diversity.

I am so aware of the fine line between “strange” and “interesting” and how we easily label some people one or the other.  Please know that we are all beautifully imperfect and I do this too with many people who are different. I have found that once people connect with my energy or my words or both they can let the “strange” adjective go and allow me to be fabulously “interesting.”

Ok, let’s do a quiz.

I want you to consider how easy it is to decide somebody is not like you.

Now think how easy it is to dislike yourself.

Please hold those thoughts for a moment.

Horse 6.png

I am certain you can adjust those thoughts with a soft feeling called love.

Oh I know it feels hard to consider the thought it very much depends just on love but it does. Love has a power we can employ. Please know there is much to be had when it is and energy shifts.

On a different note, horses are my totally favorite animal because they feel like super sensitive people. The world has as many of them as it has horses. They employ love to survive. Oh what soldiers of peace on earth they are.

Folks, love well.

The time is ripe for that.



Addressing an Old Stereotype and Opening Eyes

Dear Beloved Readers,

I went to the State Program Standing Committee for Developmental Services last week. I was moved to see a roomful of earnest people who are truly dedicated to finding ways to continue the movement of big changes in budgets forward rather than backwards.

I am someone who has been using services handled by this group for nearly all of my life. I always painted a dark picture in my mind of the people who were at the top.

I guess that is a natural response to what you don’t know. I am so glad I know otherwise and I hope to continue attending as I know my presence gives a great example of services working well.

I am really moved by the care I feel here. It is so heartening to see the way good people wrangle with a tough situation. I am in agreement with Anne and yes I think we need to give more specific actions.
— Mark Utter

Oh the world is slowly changing.

I give hope to the wretches in my life and the jabberers too. (Please click here if you don’t know what this refers to.)

I am feeling great hope for my life as I continue to make changes to move me more and more out into our world.

You all dearly deserve some light as it has been so gray out.

I smile with great sunshine to you.



The Wonder Man

Wonderful Communication Bridge

Hello Dear Readers,

I am really happy that I am working on a project with Emily’s Mom. I am thinking about it today because I am hoping to share a bit of that story with you.

The germ of this idea came from the mind of Larry Bissonnette. I know he told Emily a long time ago that the reason she was attracted to our form of communication was that it replicated a similar form she used with her Deaf grandparents.

I know she very much lights up when she interacts with anyone. The joy of crossing a communication bridge makes her shine.

Please look at this photo of her and the man who loved his dear granddaughter so much.

And here is a picture of him with his community of fingerspellers.

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I feel so fortunate that Emily and I have dared to keep stepping forward into an uncertain future. Our light just keeps getting brighter with beautiful radiant energy.

Oh, let me give you some now.

I am so aware of how love fits people so well when each person is open. You can find it when you think and feel using your heart.

It is good to know what you need to care for yourself. Gently learn it and live it.

Good luck.


Feeling Delighted