The Weather in Our Heart

Hello Beloved Blog Readers,

I am so happy to be writing today. 

Real heavy weather hit Vermont this week so many of us are a bit worn by the drama and energy expended. I hope if you are with us in our fine state you are healthy and well.

Oh, I do think these moments teach us things we need in the moment. 

I am thinking specifically about issues close to your heart wanting to be addressed. I think we all easily worry about our basic needs such as finding comfort for our bodies and the loved ones in our lives.  We all need places to sleep and good food to eat and things to create in the time we have on earth. 

I am thinking that a storm makes our lives in the moment. I would love for you to think about what gets very close to your heart when you are in the midst of extreme weather in our shared atmosphere. 

Yes, I am thinking too. 

Here is what I get:
I want a new vision of home to grow in the new year.

I want lovely, green, easy local food to eat.

I want to keep writing my thoughts to you and widening my audience.

I am eager for you to think as clearly as you can while the focus on returning to routine life is still happening. 

I am going to end with some words of inspiration.

Now is where you are and it holds you dearly if you allow it. 



The Big Believer

Love on Pine Street

Dear Blog Readers.

Please let me proclaim that “The Holidays” have begun.

I am delighted to announce that Emily has taken another adventurous step into her wish to share her fairies with the world. The last time she was mentioned in this blog she was premiering her Bluebird Fairies at the South End Art Hop in Burlington.

Oh, what is so cool is that on the last day of Art Hop she met the man she will marry. I think he is an awesome match for her and vice versa.

Now, three months later she is back on the scene.

Friends, you can find Emily and her decks of fairy cards on display with other fine artists at the SEABA gallery at 404 Pine Street through December. The opening is Friday the 5th from 5-8.    

You can get a fairy card reading there on Saturday between 11-5 and every Saturday at this time until Christmas. I get them every week.

You will so love the fairy stand Emily’s new friend made for her. It is a lovely tribute of his love for her and his belief in the power of the fairies.

If you can’t stop by please check out her work at her web site and buy a fairy deck for you and a friend. Please click here to reach it.

I so wish you all the best in the days to come.



The Match Maker

Trainings for Good Living

Dear Dedicated Blog Readers,

I am aware that I am working on some big ideas that will be fun to start sharing with you.

You all know I love good communication and people being joyful. I am very excited about a conversation I had with the YMCA’s Aquatic Department. I was supposed to show the movie but fate had another plan. 

So, I gave them another program. I am so delighted at how it turned out. My asking for the audience to share their thoughts and experiences really paid off as they were generous. Oh, it was good stuff. I am so interested in saying a few findings.

           I realize that many people are feeling lonely and super

I am also aware that it is hard to make the shift from thinking people are strange to thinking they are fabulously interesting.

I think that I am forward with my thinking and I think that easily we can address these things by having conversations with each other.  I want to keep leading those conversations.

I like making my talks fun by totally connecting with everyone in the room. I am thinking that the best way to add humor is to start off with fun gossip and things that surprise people as I really seem disconnected from that kind of stuff. When I do this I give them a good surprise. And we have a good time.

Oh, my friends love all there is in your life and love all that will come.



The Warrior of Love