Waterfall of Dear Friend Moments

Dear Blog Readers,

I and Emily just had a wonderful visit with a friend. He is someone we met while in the process of raising money to make the movie I am in here.” I hold him so dearly as a good friend of my heart. I think we truly are brothers in spirit and anticipate we will be brothers for the rest of our long lives.

Here are some good moments we shared:

He was buying a pack of fairies from Emily so she gave him a Fairy Consultation and it was an awesome reading.

We did easy chatting about how we are connected by each of us going through life on a unique path that has brought us together.

I also had a Fairy Card Reading which is assisting me in accepting the gifts I have today. I am so thankful that I have access to dear friend moments.  I am thankful for the fairies of Emily’s world and want her to succeed with her plans to share them with the world.  I am thankful that I have more access to daily typing and am totally into writing this blog.

I want to give you some great advice.

Read Jernigan Pontiac’s “Hackie” column in the Seven Days if you don’t already!

He’s my brother and fellow fan of Bluebird Fairies.

If you want a taste of Jernigan right now, here is something he wrote in response to my blog posting last week:

“I am not ‘super together’ either! Perhaps for both of us, the process of writing is a way to simultaneously healing (unifying) our split selves, and sharing the journey with others.  And that sharing is an expression of love.

So, as we are ‘two peas in a pod’ (or as you put it ‘The Guys Who Spread Love Through Written Words’), I’m glad we met, became friends, and are able to help out each other with confidence in our journey.  Everyone needs a boost now and then!”

Please take a moment to send me a hello today as I am very needing peer support.

I am so happy you read this.



The Easy Warrior of Friendship

Wandering and Wondering in the Big Apple

Hello Blog Readers,

I hope you are doing well.

As promised, I will give you a taste of the second trip that gave me a new lease on life. 

I returned to New York City last week to talk with Jonathan Berger’s art students.  Oh, we had a grand time. I joined in on a conversation about letters Jonathan asked us to write our parents telling them why we want to be an artist. I loved meeting the four students whose letters were reviewed by me ahead of time. I had formed opinions about them that altered after I met them and heard more of their stories. I hope and know the same happened for all of the students of the class when we had our talk with each other.

Mark with Brian Merrill at an Indian Restaurant on 1st Ave

Mark with Brian Merrill at an Indian Restaurant on 1st Ave

I am really excited about the conversation we had after the break and want to share the words I presented them with.

As I said before I am so glad to be here.  I really want to know what helps you when you feel a bit doubtful about who you are and how you keep connected to your confidence. I would love for each of you to respond to that question and then share something you found really funny in the last week. Here's an example- I laughed hearing the wild ways Jonathan loves to connect everyone to everyone and everything.”

I astutely listened and they warmed my soul and made me feel I was not alone in my poor self esteem and self pity.

The event continued with a lot more discussion about my way of being human and here are some of my responses:

“I am a bit behind in being super together because I had to live two lives.  I now know, though, that people often have this same experience to a lesser or greater degree.”

“Oh, I am not a big reader but I gather information and highly encourage reading Dickens, Melville and O’Connor, please.  The Bard too”

I love words, want to play with them and meet other people with them including myself. The blog takes me into other people’s lives in a way I can, for the first time in my life, control.  Oh, I am so new at feeling who I am I don’t know where it will go.”

I had a great time taking in the city and eating interesting food. I am hopeful something will come from the meetings I had about my Board of Directors. I am looking forward to future warm days and hope we will find them soon.

As always, know you are beautiful.

Yours Truly,


The Prince of Astute Variations of Wondering What Life Will Bring

P.S.  If you want to see the letter I wrote please click here.

The Search for New Energy

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am really happy today.

We are definitely in a cold winter so it is easy to get down about things. I have been down but now I am committed to staying open and energized in my search for self love and life purpose. I am not sad anymore because I keep finding people who are struggling with the same problems I am. Oh how wonderful to wallow in self pity rather than the pity of others.

I am ecstatic about two trips I have recently done.

The first was to Montpelier, Vermont where I had a nice long talk with a group of AmeriCorps VISTAs who are just starting the second halves of their terms which are with a variety of organizations that work with vulnerable populations. I am one vulnerable person for sure but I know every person in the world has unprotected parts. It is nice when the time comes that allows a group of people to share who they are inside and what their struggles are. We had that on Friday and it was a delight.

I shared these words:

A month ago I turned 50 and stepped into the second half of my life. I know most of you here are about to step into the second halves of your AmeriCorps service stints. Oh, how happy I am to give you some advice from my vantage point.

I have to say that the excitement of something new is over. More present is the need to make something meaningful out of life and your experience here.

What are we going to do to address this?

Well, let’s hear some scenarios and goals.

And their experiences and commitments to finding new energy were what pushed me into my second half with joy and laughter.

I am very thankful to Robyn for providing this opportunity to address my winter blues with a room of brilliant souls.

Oh, yes, I do have words of advice for you dear friends.

The wise hawk says “The days are opening for us all.  So be ready to follow your dreams.”

Please smile.



The Articulate Heart