The Treasures of Sailing

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Hope your summers are shining brightly.

On June 29th I had my one-year anniversary for my blog posting. I want to thank Larry Bissonnette and Ibby Grace who inspired me as they are articulate intelligent writers who have autism. Please check out their work when you have a moment. Also, please send me a fine line about how you find my words assisting you. My goal is to enlighten and inspire.

I am going through some interesting times that are best illustrated by the boat ride I went on yesterday. Oh, I was unsettled by the tipping it did. Sometimes one side was high as the other was low. On the easy Vermont side of the lake was Burlington whose firm shores I wished to be on. I could see the soft mountains of the Adirondacks dearly distant. Oh, I knew right where we all were. Over a deep, deep lake filled with water.

I don’t like getting out of the shallow end of pools so this sailing excitement deserves bravery I never knew I had. Yes, my face shows my fear and yet my heart leaps with joy just like when Pascal Cheng introduced me to typing with support.

Oh, want to tell you that the captain of our small vessel had just finished a transatlantic voyage. I was so impressed to hear that.

Dear readers, allow your selves to wander into new waters.

It’s so good for our minds and souls.

Please also jot a fearless few wishes down and let them grow for the rest of the month.

On we go.



The Middle Aged Man and the Lake

Summer Dreams

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Oh, I am so happy it is summer. I am someone who does love the heat and I think things get a lot more developed in this season. That’s why I wanted to film my movie in the summer.

It is the time to get things done. I say this and feel it. Please take toll of your wishes. I am too.

This weekend we’ll be celebrating our G.R.A.C.E. (Grass Roots Art and Community Effort) connections by attending Larry Bissonnette’s exhibit at the Flynn’s Gallery. Then we’ll go in the basement to the Flynnspace to see movies that gracefully connect us. 

Hope you can come.

Larry and I will take questions afterwards.

I am sure it will be interesting.

On the night before a friend of mine, named Liam, is going to show my film at Ohio State University. 

His mom is doing an awesome job sharing our stories about using Supported Typing. I send you a big thanks, Audrey.

I am now ready to share my words to precede the screening of both:

I am Mark Utter and I wrote and starred in the film you are about to see. Aside from the fact that I am not a custodian and a few other things I altered to assist the plot you’ll see that my life was fairly typical for someone with a general 1960s diagnosis of “mental retardation”.

I was lucky to be introduced to supported typing and happily found a great facilitator who assisted this creative project to get off the ground.

I am now in a totally different place in my mind and working to change things in my life.

In the process of making this film I learned so much about how projects get done. Now I’m working on getting a business created so I can make a lot of projects happen.

You can learn more about what has happened since I made this film by reading my blog on my web site.

I also have DVDs for sale in the store at my website.

Oh, send me a comment too.

I am now sending out a prayer for your good summer.

Please know it will all happen.

Totally know that.



The Summer Monk of Dreams

Chubby Check Ins and Otter Utterings

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am delighted to report that a fun morning of chatting at Burlington’s Chubby Muffin took place between me and my supporting film star Paul Schnabel.

Oh it was fun and covered the map with topics. He’s really interested in who might be the next person interviewed and the idea of Bernie Sanders came up. Wonder what the best ways to reach him and entice him are?

Please email your thoughts.

Oh, Paul so much praised my ability to share moments when I am feeling low. I want to praise Brene Brown for her daring research on how to live a wholehearted life. (The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are)

I am learning to promote my perfectness because my whole life had been labeled imperfect. I am still hugely imperfect but let’s all share that proudly.

I so want to share with you a toast I just wrote and asked Emily to recite tonight before dinner. It’s for a really good friend who is going through a big transition. I want you to send good thoughts out to her and your own tender hearts as you read it.

My Otter Uttering Toast for Tonight’s Gathering

As forward we go through pain and unknowing we gain so much new stuff on which to build our fantastic futures.

You are with two warriors of that and in a house that flushes old wounds and sews up hearts.

You must know that we are constantly leaving and entering.

Honoring this fact is our lives work.



An Utterer for All Occasions

P.S. Bernie thoughts and more can be sent by replying to