Rest Your Eyes On My Words

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

We are in a place of alarm these days because Trump has been elected president and no one thought that would really happen.

I am feeling a lot of confusion and sadness all around.

Oh, dear friends, it is important to maintain positivity and hopefulness. I am going to suggest anyone who wants to spread these messages can do two immediate things.

One is to buy a t-shirt from me by logging into my web site store. (Though GoFundMe supporters if you were expecting one, yours is on its way)

I will be printing hopeful messages for us to wear for the next four years.

The other thing you can do is support Emily Anderson’s Bluebird Fairies by supporting her goal to get her fairies out there.

Good work that employs love and light.

Oh, we are so beloved and so worthy of easy answers but the hard realities are here. Together let us forge ahead and mightily move mountains.

I am thankful we are alive in this time together.

I am hopeful.


Mark                                                                              The Good Energy Sharer


The Best and Most Beautiful of Things

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I just saw the most wonderful film at the Vermont International Film Festival.

It's about a real girl in Maine. Pleasant, totally quirky and queer kid that knocks the stereotypes of 'blind' and 'autistic' off the charts. She is in the midst of a movement called "Unlearning Normal".

I hope you look it up and send her a line via the movie's web site.                 

We audience members got the joy of skyping with her after the screening.

I asked how the movement is going and she said "existing is my focus right now".

We all need more than that.

Reach for the stars!

On we go.


Mark                                                                          Following in Helen's Footsteps

The View I Have Today

Dear Blog Readers,

I am happy to report that I am with both the “DOers and the “BEers” now.

I want the world to greet me as a man with a bold mission. 

My goal is to advocate for people who are different than the normal folks in our society.

I sure know lots of you are not so normal. If you share that with us then join our parade.

I am a big believer in being really positive, really super positive. Oh, it makes me overflow sometimes.

I am wishing you lots of fun.

I also wish you quiet time too.

Please enjoy all.



The Fun World Wonder