Very Merry Holidays to You All!

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Thank you to all who wrote about what you are thankful about. It was my way of getting a true gift from you

Oh, please take a look at this fun pic.

"Hi Mark! I wanted to send you this picture of me and my sister at a lights festival in Arizona" -Susie

Please readers, take a picture of you in one of my comfy tees and send it to me. If you need one, buy it here. I'm printing more in January. So get your order in by the 19th.

Very Merry Holidays to you all.


Mark                                                                 Good Green Mountain Man

p.s.- I am wanting to let you know that life has been busy so I need to be in touch with a lot of you in the New Year. Thanks for all your emails and good thoughts.

The Leader Ship

I am totally excited you are reading this. How are you?

I have been having a blast sharing my life with my colleagues who have differences.

I am delighted to let you know I am now the vice president of my advocacy group and that I work with the leadership team to create the agendas and when necessary I run the meetings. I am also taking part in the Leadership Series that Green Mountain Self Advocates, Vermont Family Network and the Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council run every year.

I am so happy that my friend Thomas is a part of this.

Here are my answers to 2 of the application questions for the Leadership Series that you might enjoy.

Q- Why are you interested in participating in this leadership training?

M- I want to be a leader and I need peers and mentors to support this process.  I also need to get out of the house on weekends and like staying in nice hotels.  So, this opportunity sounds like a merging of wonderful things.

Q- Tell us about a challenge you faced in your life and how you dealt with it.

M- I wanted people to know I was intelligent so I made a movie to prove it. 

During the long process and chapters of making it with an exciting crew of people I fell in love with the human condition. This quite surprised me but since we all struggle with that I feel more included than ever before.

I keep being amazed with life and all of us in it.

I hope the really great work we do together changes some lives.

On the first weekend which was last weekend in the Hilton Garden Hotel in Burlington I became friends with Chester Finn.

You can read more about him here. I am hopeful we will work together more.

I also want to look at how I can give you a beautiful hope for this holiday season.

I want all of you to think of 3 reasons you are thankful for what I write to you in this blog. If you write and report in on your findings I will send you a message.


Mark                                                                                Your Faithful Leader 

The Best of times and the Worst of Times

Dear Beloved Blog Readers

Joy needs to gather round us and support our efforts to find grace in these foul moments the President Elect has presented and as he makes decisions that do not honor the best wishes of many of us.

I urge you to find time during this Thanksgiving season to count your blessings.

I will share mine. Three, to be exact.

First, I am so thankful I was invited to present at the ICI Summer Institute which took place in Maryland. Many of you helped me raise the money to go. And, best of all, I met my new work friend and comrade. I just talked to her and she told me of all the people being transformed by my movie.

Secondly, the color for my t-shirts joyfully became a delightful pink. Here's one of my favorite men showing one off.

(Want a shirt?  Click here to order one.)

Lastly, I thank all of you for reading my blog.


The Smiling Wonder