The Full Vermont Statehouse

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am now, totally a very fond, hopeful attendee of Disability Awareness Day.

Disability Awareness Day February 28, 2018

Disability Awareness Day February 28, 2018

I went yesterday with my advocacy group and my communication supporter, Shaunna.


It was such a great scene. I greatly enjoyed how we were welcomed into the Statehouse.

I am sure many of you know that we in Developmental Services have a 'livable wage issue.' I certainly was pleased that last year a bill was passed that assisted giving 'Direct Support Staff' the raises they deserved.

How great that was.

Now, the 2nd phase of the workforce investment needs to happen. We can't go backwards. That would be awful.

I, and my fellow advocates, took the time to gather together to grow strength in numbers.

Now, we will contact our legislators. We all need to joyfully find ways to make people know we exist. I am totally excited we have such a big group. We are fun and focused.

I am totally wishing you good days until we meet again.


The Advocate for Change

I am Ready to Talk with the Powers That Be

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

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I am really happy today to say that we are now over half way to Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere.

I am finding things happening in my world to be hopeful but other things are distressing.

I want to share my wish, in answer to Secretary Hasan of Champlain Voices (my advocacy group).

Hasan- What kind of opportunity would you like to get?

Mark- I want to gather the great thinkers of the world so I can advise them on combating the illness of greed for money and power. I think that the solution is to give everyone the sole responsibility to really live in harmony with the world and all life on it.

Do you want to help me get there?

Then let’s go!

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I know Thomas is on board.



Gatherer of Big Thinkers


I Wish You a Very Great New Year

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am happy to say we survived the year. Unfortunately the tax bill did too. We are going to need to band together to survive it.

I want to move to a better topic; my End of the Year Prayer.

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Oh Goddess of Delight, thank you for holding a light out for us to find our way. Now, we can see your big wishes and honor our people so lovely in their work to make life better for all. Easily might we work to continue to do this in the new year.

I want to flourish in the coming year and I want you too.

I have really enjoyed my day writing emails to friends and want you all to feel wrapped in my gratitude for your connection to my thinking mind.

I am finding my communication joyfully getting wider which was my wish last year.

Finding even more will be what makes my 2018 awesome.

Easy minds and thoughtful words. I wish these for you.


I so think so much good is happening soon. I am waiting for the good big insights to love us into a better place.


Mark                                                                  Marvelous Maker of Manifestations