Happy Pronouncement

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am so happy to announce that the day for Emily's wedding is here. I so lined up things that I have the Perseid Meteors happening at the same time. Is that not cool? No joke. I wanted to assist my friend in finding happiness and I did.

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I mightily want you to know that what I really want to say is that the true thing that happened is Emily set intentions for her life and moved into them.

Here is a fairy she made of me bringing myself to the world. I will bring that to the ceremony which I will officiate this week.

Mark Utter Fairy.jpg

Really wish big.

I am so happy for Emily and Brian.


The Big Sky Full of Stars Dreamer



Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I hope you are doing very great in your lives these days.                             

It, joyfully, is a topic-filled time of good things happening and it is a time of sad, hard things too. How do we find our way through?                                     

I think and feel this answer:

I want you all to bring your best self to all that you do.  I am totally into that philosophy because it keeps you engaged with living well so that you don't give in to negative forces around you.

How dear it is to hear from you as you say nice things when you comment on my blog or say something about my new project with Angie Sylas.   Oh, good thinking we have about all the work we will do. Be well. Fondly,    &…

How dear it is to hear from you as you say nice things when you comment on my blog or say something about my new project with Angie Sylas.   Oh, good thinking we have about all the work we will do.

Be well.


The Good Man


Thankful to Have You All in My Life

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I hope you are doing well.

I am thankful for the wonderful support you are giving me for the campaign I have going to ‘dare my life to get better’ for good. For more info on that please click here.

I greatly am saddened by the need for us to defend the right for people that use Facilitated Communication (FC) and Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) like me and my friend Graciela against the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA) ad hoc committee's assertions that they not be used. If they are heard, OUR BOLD VOICES PROCLAIMING OUR COMPETENCE will not be heard.

Graciela and Mark, AutCom 2015.jpg

I follow good guidance from my communication colleague Angie Sylas. She says "The future is outside of the naysayers. I promise you that the powerful energy moving is so much bigger than ASHA. In fact, FC is so validated in research as a nervous system movement disorder support that, guaranteed, Speech Language Pathologist’s won’t be a part of the movement. Keep your hope-keep the cobwebs clear-this isn’t about FC-it’s about PRESUMPTION OF COMPETENCE. They won’t win.”

I will be submitting my comments which you can read here. For more info please read Jean Trainor's ‘call to action’ from the Wellspring Guild. You can see it here.

You can also support a fund for students like Graciela who will be most affected by these decisions by clicking here.

Here is what stuff like this does to nice men like me and Tracy Thresher:

Mark: I am really angry after reading that proposed stance by the ad hoc committee members of ASHA. Joyful that so many voices will rise up against it. Find yours and I will find mine.

Tracy: That is on my mind as well. I am tired of more statements against the way people communicate, and that we keep having to deal with facilitation being overly attacked puts me in an agitated way. Let’s get together for plotting soon.

I am really thankful to have YOU all in my life.


Mark                                                                       The Defiant

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