Mark, the little green bird, has flown away with a full heart

Dear Beloved Friends of Mark’s Blog Posts,

This morning when the dog and I went out for a walk it was still dark. The moon, a crescent, caught my eye as it twinkled down on me and when I turned my head and saw the constellation Orion standing strong I had a feeling that Mark Utter had left the earth. I imagine, like Orion, he will be looking down upon us for the rest of our lives.

Yes, Mark Utter, our dear friend, died this morning at 12:40. Plans are being developed for his departure, so I will be back in touch with details. I suspect there will be many ways to continue to connect with Mark’s great life and teachings. So, stay tuned for those as well.

Sending much love,


Update from Emily

Hello, Dear Mark’s Beloved Blog Readers,

I’m writing today with difficult news: Mark has entered his final days here on Earth. He is resting comfortably at the McClure Respite House in Colchester, surrounded by his loving family and where the wonderful staff have been watching his movie and exploring the Rumble Strip podcast that Erica Heilman recently reposted, which she created with Mark.

I visited Mark today and read him the most recent comments. Afterward, I asked if he would like me to write to you, and he said yes. He thought including the podcast for those who haven’t heard it yet, so you too can appreciate the heartfelt comments that have been coming in from all around the world was a good idea. Thank you, Erica, for sharing it once more.

Click here and it will take you to it.

If you would like more information or updates, please feel free to respond to this email. I will continue to keep you posted as needed.

Rest assured that Mark can tap into the thoughts you share with him in your mind!

Take care and think of fun moments you’ve had with Mark.



I send love

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I know it’s been a while, and I’ve been thinking of you all so much. Emily tells me that some of you have been asking about me and wondering how I am.

There is so much good in my life: Andrew, my fantastic communication partner; my new family; and a wonderful sense of independence. At the same time, for the past year and a half, I have been fighting cancer. Unfortunately, we did not catch it in time, and now I am in hospice.

Despite this, I have not let it deter me from continuing my communication journey. I’m proud to share with you this video I created with my advocacy group, Champlain Voices. (see below)

If you feel inspired, please send me happy messages. My email is



Emily’s note- This blog post is a collaborative effort written by Mark, Emily, and Andrew, based on discussions about the current details of Mark’s life. Mark reviewed different versions, selected the ones he liked, and gave his approval to the final post and then wrote the title, ‘I Send Love.’