A Letter to Werner Herzog
Dear Werner,
I am the guy who wrote the movie “I am in here.”
I am so happy that you were a Montgomery scholar at Dartmouth College. The love you bring to your work is astounding and I am so interested in talking about a possible future project.
My current film is rather predictable and only is meant to introduce me to the world and people who might want to really learn how I communicate.
I am a novice at making movies and a novice at communicating with people like you and yet I joyfully soldier on with a mission that is slow and steady.
I hope we can start a correspondence.
I would very much like to know what movie you suggest I see.
Please either email me at my film’s email or send a letter to my creative collaborator.
She will make sure I see it and then will support me writing back to you.
This may go on for easily many years but we’ll see.
Mark Utter