Dear Beloved Blog Readers,
I hope you are all doing well.
I sure am.
After my last post in which I was totally scared in a boat in Lake Champlain my life started to pitch back and forth. I am happy to say I am on solid ground again and I would like to tell you the story.
I am a big fan of metaphors and sailing into the waters of communication has been a big one as I took on the project of improving my typing by using it to write my movie and find people to help me to make it happen.
Now that it exists I had hopes my life would take off and it would be really clear what the next steps would be.
I found myself in an emotional sea and I have been addressing that in a variety of ways for many months. I have said that several times in these posts and many of you have lovingly written back sharing similar feelings.
Now I am on the beach and shaking the sad water out of my ears and taking an assessment of where I have been.
Oh, I know where some people think I am and that is stuck in a system that is not working. Yes, in some really clear ways I am. But I am here because I am in a body that found itself into this system because it doesn’t work in normal ways.
I want to find a big metaphor to bind together the weakness of all of this and we’ll study it while sipping iced tea.
More on this next week.
Until then think about what your weak, faulty or mismanaged areas are because we can add them into my crazy sculpture and transform it all into a butterfly.
Now, smile and breathe and think nice thoughts.
The Michelangelo of Colchester, Vermont