Vermont Strong

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am so happy to be writing to you and hope you are in good spirits.

Daring Works.jpg

I am so deeply touched by the outpouring of support regarding the negative people saying that the voices of Typers are not their own.

All of your emails made me feel wonderfully supported and heard.

I am glad to share that the State of Vermont has made a nice statement on their website which you can see here.

I am also included in the Annual Report for DAIL (Disability, Aging and Independent Living) for my groundbreaking role as an Officiant using FC.


Now, enough about me. I want to really say things are looking up and we have reason to be hopeful.


Mark The Word Warrior 

P.S.- Watch 'I am in here.' on VT PBS on their new "Made Here" program. April eleven at seven.


"I love Vermont PBS and the Made Here program as it celebrates us Vermonters and our daring works." -Mark Utter