Work Summit at a House Called Swamper

Dear Dedicated Blog Readers,

I am so delighted to tell you that I am working on some new goals for this still brand new year. I and some of my closest work colleagues are having a work day at a house called the “Swamper”.  It is here that Jonathan Berger feels all meetings about my work should take place.

I am going to focus my energy this year on four things. I most definitely want to move forward with the TV show and evolve it into the image we created today. I also want to keep working on my opportunities to reach others and have good talks.  Oh yes, this needs good management so a Board of Directors will help. I also want to deal with my real life stuff of travel to California to attend the Institute for Communication’s Summer Institute and my NYU gig for Jonathan. Lastly, I want to address home life for me and other issues close to my heart.

I am happy to say I had a team meeting at the HowardCenter on Tuesday and it easily was the best I have ever had. I feel I, so much more than ever, live in my life and it comes from fearfully and lovingly living life forward one step at a time. If you embrace life with this attitude the fears fly away and the joyful love grows.

I am doing well and want to feel I share that with all of you.  I give you these words today as I end my work summit with my work partners.

Oh, we all have much to do and say and wonderful places to go. Let us go forward knowing it will all happen and even better than we can imagine.



The Warrior of Fears and Lover of Life.

Identity, Love, and Occupation

Joyful New Year to all you Dear Readers!

Oh, I am delighted to be at the beginning of this great new year. I think so much good shall come in it.

I so believe how good it is to be doing something fun on New Year’s Eve that supports you moving into your wishes for the new year. I went out on the town. I “First Nighted” with a couple of friends.  Easily we moved from one event to the next. Our locations were an old fire station, a bookstore, a church and the majestic Flynn. I took in movies, Jernigan’s lovely good cab tales and our dear Kat Wright and her talented crew. Oh, we saw lots of friends who wished us all well.

I am really excited to declare, Good Readers, that I started to see a therapist today. I have been allowing myself to move into adulthood now that my Mother has moved on. As you most likely well know that is a time of life that holds much complex thoughts about identity, love and occupation. I am really looking forward to addressing these questions really truthfully with this therapist and one of my new man friends.

It sure is scary but I have been watching Emily do this for three years so I know it works. I would love for you to read her latest blog. It is really cool to see how she is growing in her life and work.

Oh, here are some words of wisdom for the New Year.

One day, one smile, one little gesture of kindness all keeps dearly moving us forward to a lovely place of success.

One sun

Many soldiers of love



Warrior of the Good Life.

You are the Sun of Your Life

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am here at the very well used library in Burlington, Vermont.

Oh, it has been an incredible year of really big shifts.

I want to thank Emily for really trying to find her way with our work with the Women’s Small Business Program. Oh, she got a lot but it still remains to be seen how it will fall into use.

I want to say how sad I and my family are that my Mother died and thank my sister Sheryl for holding really good family energy. I doubt she has a sense of the day dream I have to live outside of our home. I pray it will be an easy shift when it very clearly arrives as an opportunity I shouldn’t miss.

Oh I also want to suggest to new blog readers to read my earlier writing as this is more of a recap than a speech.

Mark with Jernigan at Muddy Waters

Mark with Jernigan at Muddy Waters

Oh, fine friends it is the end of the year and we would love to be in your mind as a good outfit to give money to.

Please go to my donation page by clicking here.

You will find a letter I wrote to my folks about why I want to be a writer.  It was written as an assignment for the art thesis class Jonathan Berger taught last year at NYU. In it I pretty much layout my vision.

What is new information is that there are concrete projects ahead:

We want to create meaningful trainings for private and municipal organizations that open up communication on the concept of diversity.

We want to keep moving forward with my TV show at CCTV called The Uttering Mind. Click here to see the pilot. 

We’d like to book the Phoenix Bookstore in Burlington for a gig with Jernigan Pontiac that helps promote my existence as a writer.

I hope you feel inspired to support our work. Please click here to find out more.

Oh, now here is a delightful thought on one of the longest days of the year.

The light in you is so beautiful. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

I now wish you a wonderful holiday.



A Being of Brilliance