Wonderful Evolutions

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am so big time happy to be writing to you. You will be happy to know that we are working on some cool things.

I am really excited about the Voices and Choices Conference that Green Mountain Self Advocates just ran at the tail end of April.

I am thinking about its theme of “Everyday People.” I shared at the dinner that “I am an everyday wonderful person.”

Joyfully worked on a collaborative art project with Emily. 

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I am proud to say that I made adjustments to the workshop proposal that Hasan and Emily showed me that I think assisted it greatly. Hasan, our ‘Advocate of the Year’, did a great fun job leading the workshop. The best part for me, who like Emily played a supporting role, was dancing to Stevie Wonder with all the people who came to ‘Dancing with Your Agency, Who Gets to Lead?’

Me and Champlain Voices President, Hasan Ko

Me and Champlain Voices President, Hasan Ko

Now, it is time for me to share big news.

I am soon to be creating a workshop for a conference with Rowan Riggs. I am so happy to have him in my life. His grandmother, Melinda Moulton, was the keynote speaker at our agency awards lunch. She shared a lot about her revelations having a grandson with autism. I loved the poems she shared that Rowan wrote.

Here is one she didn't share but I want to. I got it on my birthday-


speaker so divine.

you translate the word for the universe to see.

you are a fire of flaming charisma and comic grace.

you light up the world with your brilliance.

streak though the night sky so that all can see.

                                                   -Rowan Riggs

I am thankful to say he is a good friend.

I am wishing you all good things too.


Mark The Very Graceful Comet



Vermont Strong

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

I am so happy to be writing to you and hope you are in good spirits.

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I am so deeply touched by the outpouring of support regarding the negative people saying that the voices of Typers are not their own.

All of your emails made me feel wonderfully supported and heard.

I am glad to share that the State of Vermont has made a nice statement on their website which you can see here.

I am also included in the Annual Report for DAIL (Disability, Aging and Independent Living) for my groundbreaking role as an Officiant using FC.


Now, enough about me. I want to really say things are looking up and we have reason to be hopeful.


Mark The Word Warrior 

P.S.- Watch 'I am in here.' on VT PBS on their new "Made Here" program. April eleven at seven.


"I love Vermont PBS and the Made Here program as it celebrates us Vermonters and our daring works." -Mark Utter

Three Things Do I Tell Thee

Dear Beloved Blog Readers,

Joy is in the air my friends. I am so happy to be writing to you.

I am wanting to tell you three things:

1. I am being interviewed by Vermont PBS next month.

2. It is for the airing of my movie on Thursday April 11 at 7 pm.

3. I am sad to say that people are discrediting those of us who use FC (Facilitated Communication) again. I have been asked to say something about this from the perspective of someone for whom this is their best way to communicate complex thoughts.

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“I am Mark Utter and instead of talking with my mouth I type to communicate. I have been doing this since the 1990s.  It was the writing of my personal experience with having communication obstacles that gave me an opportunity to truly engage with the world. I am wanting you to know that turning the story into a movie and raising money and getting the whole thing finished was all done using FC. I had been the man behind the facade and awful term of “nonverbal” and, now, people were engaging with me. I welcome people to watch my movie and join the 100s of people who read my blog.”             

- Mark Utter 

Please write me a line of good thoughts as this assault on FC has me down.

Joy is still in the air as I am writing to you.

Have free moments in nature.


Mark The FC Advocate

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